Screenwriting Webinars: Adapting to Film/Screen


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Work of art arouses responses and reactions in us. More often than not we want to tell the story again but with our own take on it. We want to redo a poem or a painting to give a new perspective to a well accepted original version. At other times we ask the what if question to the source material. What emerges from these responses is an adaptation of the original material. 
This session discusses adaptation in the context of Films. What is adaptation? What makes it work? Why do we keep hearing of failed adaptation? Well then what  satisfies both the reader and the audience? How does one go about it?
We discuss all of this in four hours along with different examples and a detailed one. We also try to arrive at a methodology to approach adaptation.
Adapting to Film Screen Webinar 2


  • Have you wondered why the films never work। as well as books?!
  • Have you ever thought why then do masters go for adaptations?!
  • What really is adaptation?
  • Are there any good examples? 
  • What about the process?


  • Some basic knowledge of screenplay .
  • Once you register we share a base material and a film for you to read and watch before you attend class.

About the Mentor

Vaidehi Sancheti Screenwriting online course 1

Vaidehi Sancheti


An Engineer by profession, a Writer by occupation Vaidehi Sancheti is an adept and motivating teacher. A self-critical and hardworking Writer; writing is like breathing to her. Films are her passion and Storytelling is her primary vocation.
Having studied Screenplay Writing at FTII, Vaidehi loves to encourage more and more people to write.
She has been conducting Story Building workshops and Screenplay Writing workshops for new writers at institutes like FTII, Living Bridge in Pune, and many more around the country.

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Screenwriting Webinars: Adapting to Film/Screen

Original price was: ₹1,200.00.Current price is: ₹1,000.00.

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Work of art arouses responses and reactions in us. More often than not we want to tell the story again but with our own take on it. We want to redo a poem or a painting to give a new perspective to a well accepted original version. At other times we ask the what if question to the source material. What emerges from these responses is an adaptation of the original material.  This session discusses adaptation in the context of Films. What is adaptation? What makes it work? Why do we keep hearing of failed adaptation? Well then what  satisfies both the reader and the audience? How does one go about it? We discuss all of this in four hours along with different examples and a detailed one. We also try to arrive at a methodology to approach adaptation.


  • Have you wondered why the films never work। as well as books?!
  • Have you ever thought why then do masters go for adaptations?!
  • What really is adaptation?
  • Are there any good examples?
  • What about the process?


  • Some basic knowledge of screenplay .
  • Once you register we share a base material and a film for you to read and watch before you attend class.

About the Mentor

Vaidehi Sancheti Screenwriting online course 1

Vaidehi Sancheti


An Engineer by profession, a Writer by occupation Vaidehi Sancheti is an adept and motivating teacher. A self-critical and hardworking Writer; writing is like breathing to her. Films are her passion and Storytelling is her primary vocation.
Having studied Screenplay Writing at FTII, Vaidehi loves to encourage more and more people to write.
She has been conducting Story Building workshops and Screenplay Writing workshops for new writers at institutes like FTII, Living Bridge in Pune, and many more around the country.

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3 reviews for Screenwriting Webinars: Adapting to Film/Screen

  1. Umesh S Gaikwad

    The webinar was an eye-opener for me, absolutely raw participant! I read “It Had to be Murder” after I watched the Film “Rear Window”! Then I realised, how much hard work goes into writing of a screenplay, “Adapting” a story for the screen can be different from the actual story! Ma’am’s narration has helped prepare me for experimentation with some deviation in writing for the screen. I look forward to the exhaustive screenwriting course in November, 2020 provided a seat is available and other festival/schedules don’t clash. Thank you so much!

  2. Shraddha Shetty

    Highly recommended!
    Enlivening session.

  3. Sambit Das


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